Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New 30 day challenge!

My house is a mess.  We are drowning in clutter.  Too much is what we have.  I have tried to declutter in the past to no avail.  It seems the harder I try, the deeper I fall into the clutter hole.  If I get rid of one bag per day I think I will accomplish several things.  First I will be putting very little energy into the project and thus not be as exhausted as I would be if I had spent 8 hours bagging and boxing up stuff.  Second I will be able to enlist the help of my fabulous daughters, either to help with the baby or to help purge (they also feel overwhelmed when we ask them to declutter).  Third I will be able to feel like I'm at least doing something and therefore not feel guilty about passing the piles of junk everyday.  And last but not least (I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons I just am tired and need to go to bed!)  I'm hoping the end result will be a more organized home with more usable space.  The plan will be to start September 1st.
PS.  I also plan to get back into eating healthier once school starts.