Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I am overwhelmed at the magnitude this task has been.  I walked to the basement on at least 3 occasions in the past few weeks only to turn around and run back upstairs.  Up until about an hour ago you couldn't see the floor.  Piles and piles of clothes, dress-up, toys, trash, totes up the wazoo and more clothes.  I went down there about an hour ago with high hopes of finding my jeans as the weather is chilly these days.  I picked up the floor (clarification- I cleared a path on the floor.  You can actually see the floor, but it is still just a path.)  I made a pile of clothes I think my girls might like.  I bagged another bag of clothes I don't want anymore and clothes I know the girls don't want.  I moved on to my clothing bins.  I managed to downsize from 3 totes to 1, bagging the items I no longer want or need.  STILL NO JEANS!  I have no idea where I put them.  I did find a pair of brown pants that fit so I guess that's what I'll wear til I locate my missing pants. 
I'm also overwhelmed because my little decluttering challenge has turned into an urgent-I-don't-have-a-choice-anymore task.  I was informed recently that we are losing our house.  I don't care to go into all the details but I do know this:  WE HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF!  So now not only do I have to declutter, I have to pack as well.  Good grief, we cant go camping for 2 days without bringing 2 cars full of stuff, how am I going to pack to move? 
So, if you don't hear from me in the next couple months you can be sure I'm either bagging, boxing or passed out! 

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Today is Riley's birthday!  After cleaning up after her sleepover party I tackled the living room.  I went through Tobin's clothes and blankets eliminating 2 totes worth.  I also bagged a bunch of clothes from our yard sale this summer.  I rearranged the living room a bit to make a bit more room.  I still need to go through Tobin's toys (it's amazing how many he has after only one year of life!)  We then went to the Renaissance Festival for the rest of the day.  I'm tired!  Tonight I will relax and drink a glass of wine!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7

It turns out one bag a day is a lot harder than I thought it would be.  The first hurdle is time, I have had very little extra the past week.  Emotions would also be a huge problem.  Why do we tie emotions to things?  They are just that, things.  They do not feel, they do not care and they don't hold the spirit of the person who gave it, played with it or looked at it.  I shouldn't care if that toy was once played with by one of my kids.  It doesn't make the toy worthy of taking up valuable space and time in my life.'s still hard to part with things.  Tonight it is late and I still have to make lunches for my girls.  Tomorrow night we need to get ready for Riley's golden birthday party on 9-10-11.  I think I will try to get together a bunch of stuff for Savers on Saturday (I hope!) 
Some day it's all going to be gone anyway, why not get rid of it now?!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Getting rid of.....days 1-4

I kind of cheated for these first few days of September I brought 4 bags to Savers last weekend .  I have cleaning, lesson planning and school stuff to do this weekend so I probably won't be getting to any new bags of junk until next week.  I have 6-8 boxes on the deck that just need to be loaded up and brought somewhere.  I will try to get a bag of junk together this evening if I have the energy, otherwise I'm going to shoot for tomorrow after I clean the much neglected house.