Monday, November 14, 2011


I'm back!  Well, sort of.  Things have been in a state of chaos for the past couple months.  First we pack up to move.  Then we unload.  Then we live in chaos.  Most people pack in an organized way.  You know, dishes in one box labeled "dishes", keepsakes labeled "keepsakes"... you get the idea.  In our case, we shoved, crammed and tossed whatever fit into whatever container was available with no label thus creating chaos.  In retrospect, we should have packed the first way.  It took 2 weeks to find my knives.  Do you know how hard it is to cut chicken with a butter knife?  I still haven't found the lid to my large cooking pot, nor have I found my daughter's swim suit, the chip clips or the soy sauce.  Every time I get an area "set up", it winds up cluttered again in order to "set up" another area.  I'm hoping things will find their place by Christmas.  I think that might be wishful thinking, simply because life doesn't stop due to a move or any other crisis in life.  The dishes and laundry still need to be done.  Lice, diarrhea and dirt still happen.  Yet somehow the rooms need to be painted, boxes unpacked and put away and areas set up to look like a home and not a dorm room.  I suppose my next 30 day challenge could be to have things "pretty" by Christmas.  We'll see what life throws my way and I'll try to keep you posted!