Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The real world has peanut butter

I was making lunches for my girls (Kendra requested pb&j) this morning when I had a thought.  Why hasn't the school banned peanut butter with all the peanut allergies out there?  Then I started to think, the real world has peanut butter.  It has peanut butter and guns and drugs and war and violence and poverty and sickness and financial troubles and divorce and death........We live in an imperfect world and it stinks.  It hurts me to think about the loss of all those kids last month at the hand of a madman.  Madman?  What constitutes being a madman?  Do you have to commit murder to fall under that category or will lying on your taxes do?  Who decides which wrong is ok and which one isn't?  For that matter, who got to decide what was going to be right and what was going to be wrong.  Because if we came from some cosmic spark then what difference does it make?  Why worry about doing the "right thing"?  Who decided what the rules are and why do we have to follow them.  How come you get to eat a burger when your neighbor strongly feels that you are murdering a cow, isn't murder murder no matter who/what the victim is?  How come we get all upset when a human life is taken when that life is just the product of chance, ooze, explosion or whatever your reasoning may be.  What does it matter?  Tree, cow, whale, human....all just chance right?  Or, how about allowing for another possibility?  How about we give credit where credit is due?  How about we acknowledge that we have a Creator who made us to have empathy, concern, love......?  Is it so hard for us to consider the possibility that there is Someone who loves us and wants what is best for us.  If you have kids, don't you feel the same about them?  How silly would it be for your child to ignore you declaring he came from ooze and not from you?  About as silly as a painting saying to Monet "You DID NOT paint me.  I crawled up from the pond after millions of years of sitting in paint and now I am beautiful."  And don't we parents allow our kids wiggle room in life?  We allow them choices, show them there are consequences and teach them the right way to live.  Our Father, Creator, God has done the same for us.  He gave humans the choice to love Him or to reject Him.  He doesn't want love that isn't genuine, the same as we don't want our kids (or significant other) to love us because they have to.  We want love because it is genuine.  We have such strong feelings of hurt, anger and sadness when tragic things happen because we were created in the image of God and because that's how He feels when bad things happen.  He made us to love, live and give  Him credit.

1 comment:

  1. A magically delicious way to start my day! I love your heart and your insight!!! I am so happy that despite the hard week you have had you are inspired to share the graciousness of Gods Love and the beauty of his blueprint for our faith and eternal life! Yes, there will always be peanut butter and other potential harms we will face but there too will ALWAYS be GOD and HIS LOVE, GRACE and PRESENCE will ALWAYS surround US~ its BRILLIANT LOVE, It's ULTIMATE JOY, it's ETERNITY EVERLASTING...Thank you for planting a seed today, I pray a million will GROW <3
