Saturday, June 4, 2011


So far, I'm not doing very well in the moderation department.  I tried to declutter the porch today, to no avail.  We want to have a garage sale to help get rid of the "too much stuff and not enough storage space" problem we have.  The problem is we have no where to put the too much stuff in the mean time.  Trying to do all this while Tobin is crying or getting into things also makes for frustration.  I even didn't cook anything except pancakes this morning, and there is still a heap of dishes waiting for me, not to mention laundry and dirt.  How does a family of 5 downsize after 11 years of build up?  I just need to keep reminding myself that in 100 years, most of our stuff won't matter a hill of beans to anyone.  It will make everyone's life easier just to get rid of it now. 

Sorry today's blog has nothing to do with no sugar.  I did ok today, I had a couple leftover cupcakes in the middle of the day otherwise I didn't have sugar.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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