Thursday, June 16, 2011

Too much

There's been too much in my life.  Too much sugar.  Too much junk food.  Too much not enough sleep.  Too much yelling.  Too much junk.  Too much laziness.  Too much.  I'm drowning in too much.  I'd like to remedy some of these too muches but am not sure how.  Suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading too many blogs about simplifying right now: and are two of the favorites right now.

    I can empathize about the too much. All and each of your too muches are mine as well.

    Maybe you could rent a pod - store all the sale stuff - then once everything is sold send the rest on the pod to the donation site of your choice?

    Whenever it gets to be too much. Stop. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, imagine how you'd like it to be, exhale, smile. Focus on one small thing per day to simplify and reduce. Slowly over time it will all get better! Pray.
