Monday, May 2, 2011

Day -1

I will start another 30 day no sugar challenge tomorrow.  I was not even close to being a good eater today.  I started the day with chocolate cake for breakfast-enough said.

Here's the totals for our first 30 day challenge (as best as I can figure):

I had 11 out of 30 complete no sugar days, 16 minimal sugar days (ie. white bread for burgers, ketchup etc.) and 3 days with a full sugar item.

Kendra and Riley had 11 out of 27 (they ended the challenge earlier than me due to Easter.) complete no sugar days.  11 out of 27 minimal sugar days and 5 days that had a full sugar food item of some sort (ie. dessert at Buca's).

All in all we learned a lot about what we are eating.  I have also learned during this past week "off" how easy it is to slip back into bad eating habits and how important it is that I blog (I need that accountability!)  I will say there is a certain freedom that comes with eating whatever you want, but you end up paying the price later on.  I would much rather be mindful of what I am eating and feeding my children than taking the easy/unhealthy road out.  Tomorrow I plan to get back on to the road of healthy eating.

A note about going vegetarian for 30 days.  Riley has decided she wants to eat only chicken.  No beef or pork.  I think I will try to cook more vegetarian meals simply because it is cheaper and I kind of wanted to try some vegetarian meals!  (I made black bean "burgers" Sat. night to be the veg. alt. to homemade chicken nuggets.  Riley ended up eating chicken nuggets and Kendra and Pete inhaled the black bean nuggets.  Go figure!)

It's 9:00 and Tobin is sleeping.  I am going to clean the kitchen and get things ready for tomorrow and hopefully go to bed early.  I didn't post the rhubarb syrup, golden angel food cake, chocolate chip cookies or my sister's yummy bread recipes.  Since I don't seem to have the time, I will post the recipes per request.  Thanks for understanding!

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