Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Do over 2

It's my husband and my 14th anniversary today.  He woke up before we did and picked up Brueggers for breakfast so I wouldn't have to make breakfast (how sweet!)  I had coffee with honey and 1/2 of a spinach, egg and cheese on a rosemary olive oil bagel (yum!)

Snack- Bowl of cereal.

Lunch- PB and banana on homemade bread,  homemade cookie and my new fav. ice cream (I ran some errands before lunch and it was kind of melty, I HAD to eat some!)

Snack-  Veg., cracker with honey hummus.

Dinner- Tortillini and brussels sprouts

Snack- Nuts, raisins and string cheese

It wasn't a perfect no sugar day, but it was a good day (despite the awful heat and humidity!)

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