Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 12

Breakfast- Cinnamon raisin bread. I also had 2 rice cakes with almond butter and a bunch of strawberries.

Snack- I had dried fruit.

Lunch-The girls have pretty much the same thing as yesterday except, no strawberries, and along with dried mango I added dried plums and apricots, and kohlrabi with the tomatoes.  I also gave Riley only cheese puffs and Kendra only crackers since they don't like the other.  They each had a pb ball. Riley did not eat her pb ball.  Kendra did not eat her veg. I had cheese and triscuits and a mango smoothie.  I've also snacked on some of my co-op finds.

I went to Valley Natural Foods in Apple Valley today during break and spent too much $ but had fun buying sugar-free items.  I found Sticks and Twigs (wheat and gluten free pretzels) loaded with cool grains.  I also found coconut palm sugar.   It tastes like brown sugar, kind of a molasses taste, yum!  I bought some maple sugar and superfine powdered milk to try to make frosting with.  I'll keep you posted on how things turn out.  I also "made" my own almond butter.  That was a new and fun experience for me.  I'm also excited because I can have it at work.  (We can't have peanut butter or things with peanut/nut warnings on them and all almond butters I've found have a warning on them.  The make your own just had almonds as the ingredients-yay!

Dinner- We are going to Buca with the in-laws for my birthday.  I'm hoping there isn't too much sugar in their food.  I tried to google their ingredients but no luck.  The only other option would be to call and I just haven't had the time.  I figure if I skip the bread and eat only a bite or two of dessert I should be ok.

Buca- I passed on the bread the first time it was offered but ended up eating a small piece with some balsamic vinegar and olive oil the second time it was offered.  I tried a fried calamari, I wasn't a fan.  We ordered salad, fettucini alfredo, baked ziti, parmesan chicken and garlic mashed potatoes.  We ate it all!  I figure there was probably sugar in the breading on the chicken (which was so good by the way!).  I'm not sure about anything else.  I'd like to hope there wasn't but without actually reading the ingredients or recipes I don't know for sure.
Since my in-laws were in charge of the evening and told the staff it was my birthday and the staff sang to me in front of the WHOLE restaurant, I kind of HAD to eat some of the brownie and ice cream topped with whipped cream or I would probably insult them :) Plus the cannoli had to be eaten fresh or it would have been wasted.  UG I AM SO FULL!!!  All in all it was a fun evening with good food and  good company!

I did feel a little bummed at all the sugar I had tonight but at the same time I knew this was a one day thing and I will get back on track tomorrow and stick with it!  I have been happy with the progress we have made so far.  I am proud of Kendra and Riley making better food choices!  In the end  that's all that matters!

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