Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 8

Too much TV this weekend, crabby kids.  I think Tobin has teeth coming in, he was up every 2 hours last night.  I managed to de-clutter his toys (I found a cute basket/toy box today.) and the rocking chair.  Ok, on to food:

Breakfast-Riley ate cold cereal.  Kendra ate grilled cheese on homemade bread.  I had cold cereal with coconut milk and coffee at church.

Snack- Kendra and Riley found the wolf at Trader Joe's and got a treat.  It was a fruit bar of some sort.  The ingredients were not on the packages, I'm sure there was some sugar.  I had granola which had some craisins and dried pineapple.  I was driving and opted to eat the contraband rather than pick them out and cause an accident.

Lunch- Tuna pasta salad.  The spice blend I mixed in with the mayo had some malto-dextrin in it, but I felt it was better than using straight Thousand Island dressing that would have had high fructose corn syrup in it.  I also had an almond butter and blueberry preserve sandwich.  Riley ate a bunch of cherry tomatoes, sesame seeds (I think she's addicted), puff-corn and a bite of pasta salad.

Snack-We all munched on dried fruit, nuts and sesame sticks (shoot!  I forgot to buy more of these at Trader Joes today.)

Dinner- Matzo pizzas and orange-scented couscous.  Kendra had sun-dried tomatoes, pepperoni, sauce and cheese.  Riley had cheese, pepperoni and sauce.  I had cheese and sauce.  The pepperoni has dextrose in it.  The sauce was purreed tomatoes with Tastefully Simple's Seasoned Salt.  We used cheddar and mozzarella cheese.  (I discovered Matzo makes great thin cracker/crust pizzas.  They only contain wheat and water.  Just top with your favorite toppings and put under the broiler for 2-3 minutes.)

Dessert-Frozen strawberry and banana.

I am so tired and cranky and the pb m-n-m's are screaming to me from the cupboard.  I'm going to try really hard not to cave.  I'm thinking a pb ball, ya!  I haven't had those in forever.  Ok, now to remember the recipe....

I found a recipe.  In fact I found several recipes. I'm going to try them and if it's good I'll post the recipe.  I also found a chart for baking with sugar substitutes.  I'm hoping I'll have more sugar free baking success than I have been.

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