Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 13

Breakfast- Banana muffins.  I made them with the coconut sugar.  I also added dehydrated coconut flakes and some flax.  They turned out pretty good.  I'll post my basic recipe tonight.

Snack- Dried fruit and granola.

Lunch- The girls have the last of the pepperoni roll for lunch.  (I'm not sure what to do next week since I couldn't find ANY pepperoni without sugar.  I'll see if the girls have any ideas for a good substitute.  Usually they don't finish all of their sandwich for lunch but they have been finishing the pepperoni rolls, so I may just use pepperoni from the health food store anyway  so I know they will have food in them at school.)  apples, "Original Tings" (kind of like cheetos only no cheese and not bright orange.), carrots & "SoBe" water.  For dessert I'll pack a sugar free chocolate cupcake.  I'm going to make vegetable rice soup (I found a mix in the bulk bins at the natural food store that sounded good.)

The soup wasn't done so I had a salad, cheese and triscuts and a chocolate cupcake (sugar free of course).  I'll have the soup for snack.  The soup wasn't seasoned at all so I'm going to have to do some serious doctoring later to make it not so bland.

I had the soup for snack.  It was pretty good.  I added garlic salt, onion powder, celery salt and poultry seasoning.  I also had rice cakes with almond butter and buckwheat honey.  The girls had tortilla chips.

Dinner- Leftovers!  Kendra had nachos.  Riley had  matzo cheese pizza.  I had couscous and tuna salad.  I had a pb ball for dessert.

Late night sugar craving- Chocolate cupcake!  (No sugar of course.)

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