Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 18

Breakfast- Cinnamon raisin bread

Snack- A really yummy pear!

Lunch- The girls have the usual.  I brought stir fry again.  I also had another pear.  (Seriously, they were really good.)

Dinner- My original plan was to cook some noodles at work and reheat some pasties for dinner....I decided to go to Chipotle instead.  I know, not super healthy but I needed a break.  I think the only sugar there was, was in Riley's quesadilla (I assume the tortilla has sugar.)  I had chicken in my burrito bowl which was marinated so I assume there was sugar in that as well.  Kendra had a veg. bowl.  Unless there's sugar in the corn or guac. I think she did the best.  We all had Izzys.  (I am grateful for Izzys.  Pretty much juice and sparkling water.  Has been a great sub. for pop.  We didn't allow a lot of pop anyway, but when eating out we sometimes did.  It's been nice to have it as a choice.

Snack-  Wed. night church is proving too hard for the  girl's to resist.  Kendra had Pirrouine (You know, the hazelnut chocolate filled cookie tube things?)  those are pretty hard to resist.  She did ask before she ate them.  I told her it was up to her if she wanted to fudge or not.  Riley confessed ("I'm sorry Mom!") to having pretzel chips.  ("I had seconds :( I;m sorry." )  I had decaf coffee in my class.  Later at home I had a slice of raisin bread and 2 almond balls.

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