Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 20

20 days down, 10+ to go.  Whew!  I think we've done pretty good.  The girls used to ask for dessert or candy every night and now it's not as often or some nights  not at all.  I still crave junk but am making better choices to snack on.

Big weekend for Kendra and Riley.  Kendra has a field trip to MOA today for science.  (They have been learning about roller coasters.)  She has $ to spend on lunch in the food court.  I'm curious to see what choices she makes.  They both are going to their cousin's for a sleepover/birthday party.  My sister-in-law told me what she was planning to make for meals and they sound good.  There will be white pasta and white bread and of course cake and ice cream.  I made the birthday cake (not sugar free) but also made sugar free cupcakes to send along.  I'm also sending bread and Izzys (so they can feel like they are drinking "pop" too.)  We'll see how it goes.  They were very worried about it.  I assured them it would be ok.  The challenge is to see if we can do it and we've had many sugar free days so we know we are able.  I think a couple days with sugar now and then will be ok.

Breakfast- Cinn. raisin bread.

Lunch-  Riley had pb &j on the last white bun.  She also had a homemade vanilla cupcake,  a Lara bar (she did not like the cherry at all.), mango, triscuts and V 8 fusion.  I had leftover pasty with a little ketchup (the bad kind ), corn & peas and a whole wheat roll (homemade.)

Snack-  I had 1/2 fresh mango (yum!), cheese and crackers and a Lara bar.

Dinner-  It was my work staff dinner tonight.  We had it at Cowboy Jack's in Bloomington.  We had a taco and BBQ buffet.  I had taco salad.  I think unless they made the taco meat from scratch there was some sugar in the seasoning.  I also tried a bite of BBQ, cole slaw and had a couple tater tots.  I almost had a brownie but my coworkers said they were good but not good enough to cheat.  I ended the evening with a half glass of white wine.

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