Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 25

Breakfast- Fresh, warm, homemade bread and honey.

Snack/breakfast- Bowl of cereal with coconut milk and scrambled eggs.

Lunch-  Leftover beef stir fry and a pear.  The girls have the usual.

Snack- I had another decaf. latte with honey (yep, I'm addicted!) Kendra had crackers and hummus (I nibbled on some too.)  Riley had vanilla pudding and Nilla wafers.

Dinner-  Leftover tortillini from the other night.  (The girls didn't leave me much.)

Snack-  Kendra had a cupcake and some sprite.  Riley had popcorn.  I had a pb and banana sandwich on homemade bread.

I made chocolate cupcakes and chocolate frosting for Teigen's birthday tomorrow.  We'll see how no sugar cupcakes go over with the kids.

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