Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 26

Breakfast- Pancakes sweetened with date sugar.

Crazy morning, we barely made it out the door with our heads on straight let alone food for the day.  I'm going to have to improvise I guess.

Snack-  Yogurt with strawberry all fruit

Lunch-  Rice cake with almond butter and honey.  I tried a couple meatballs before I realized there was sugar in the ingredients :( they were pretty good too.  I nibbled on some vegetables and had a chocolate cupcake.  The kids for the most part liked the cupcakes.  No one commented on a different taste or anything.  The ones that said "I don't like the cupcake" are the same ones who would say that about anything they don't want to eat.  I felt kind of sneaky knowing I was feeding them a sweet treat w/o the potential for a sugar crash- Yay Me!

Snack-  String cheese and another rice cake with almond butter

Dinner- Pulled turkey sandwiches on homemade bread.  I was so bummed last night when I looked at the package from the turkey and saw sugar in the ingredients.  It was thawed and too late so I had to cook it.  It was very good despite the sugar.  Oh well, I'll have to be more vigilant about reading ingredients next time.

I ran to the Mississippi Market in St. Paul this evening to get agave gummy bears for the girl's Easter baskets.  Alas, no gummy bears in stock (none at the other Miss. Market store either.)  I ended up getting some more dried fruit (I tried the papaya, it was pretty good.)  I also bought 3 bags of chocolate chips (might as well stock up right?)  At the girl's request I picked up more coconut milk ice cream.  I got coconut and chocolate flavors.  I forgot about them in my bag when I got home (oops!)  By the time I realized it they were kind of melty so of course I had to taste them.  OH MY!  The chocolate was so good.  I really liked the coconut too.  Nice bedtime treat w/o the sugar.  (If you read my previous posts you will remember they are sweetened with agave and chicory root.  Not all the flavors are sugar free but the one's we've tried are.)  I think tomorrow will be the girl's last "sugar free" day since we will be having Easter at my parent's house on Sat. and there's bound to be Easter candy etc.  And of course Easter Sunday and Easter baskets.  I did buy some candy at the Co-op that has sugar, but it's pure cane sugar which is not as processed.  The candys also have more natural ingredients (actual fruits).  I plan to make the sugar free peanut butter cups and add a few non eatable items (maybe new colored pencils, purses, jewelry or something.  We'll see what I end up having time for.)
It's 10:00 and everyone is sleeping but me.  I think I'm going to go to bed early! 

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