Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 24

Breakfast-  I had pb and honey.  Kendra and Riley had grilled cheese.  I later had a bowl of cereal and coconut milk and some oj.

I feel the need to explain why I tend to eat so much breakfast.  I wake up between 6 and 6:30 and get ready for the day (pack lunches, make breakfast, pump, get out the door...).   We are out the door by 7:15 eating in the car.  I drop Kendra at school at 7:30 and Tobin and Riley at 7:45.  Then I dash out the door to walk on the tread mill at Planet Fitness for 15-20 minutes before running back to work and driving the short bus with a load of kids to one of the schools.  I then get back to work and hang with Tobin for 15 minutes before going to work at 9.  I'm hungry by then so I have a "second" breakfast.  Then I have snack around 11 since I don't eat lunch until 12:30.

Lunch- Turkey burger, American cheese and homemade wheat bread.

Snack- 2 Lara bars (I think I like Key Lime the best.)  Veg. and hummus.

Dinner-  I had a meeting at work and ate what they provided.  Scalloped potatoes (I think they were real, not box.), fresh fruit and a bite of cole slaw (someone said it was really good.  It was ok, it didn't taste sweet.)

Kendra and Riley had homemade pigs in a blanket (Daddy cooked!)

Snack- String cheese

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